How many points are on my license co
How many points are on my license co

What if there are sui generis database rights that apply to my use of a CC-licensed database?.

How many points are on my license co license#

  • Does a Creative Commons license give me all the rights I need to use the work?.
  • how many points are on my license co

    What should I think about before using material offered under a Creative Commons license?.What if I change my mind about using a CC license?.pdf), can I restrict licensees from changing it to or using it in other formats? When I release my work under a CC license in one format (e.g.What do I do if someone tries to place effective technological measures (such as DRM) on my CC-licensed material?.What can I do if I offer my material under a Creative Commons license and I do not like the way someone uses it?.What happens if I offer my material under a Creative Commons license and someone misuses them?.Can I enter into separate or supplemental agreements with users of my work?.Can I waive license terms or conditions?.Can I change the license terms or conditions?.Can I insist on the exact placement of the attribution credit?.Alterations and additions to the license.Can I still make money from a work I make available under a Creative Commons license?.Can I use a Creative Commons license if I am a member of a collecting society?.Can I apply a CC license to low-resolution copies of a licensed work and reserve more rights in high-resolution copies?.What is the difference between plagiarism and copyright infringement? And what role do CC licenses play to address plagiarism?.How are publicity, privacy, and personality rights affected when I apply a CC license?.Can I offer material under a CC license that has my trademark on it without also licensing or affecting rights in the trademark?.How do Creative Commons licenses affect my moral rights, if at all?.Can I use CC licenses to license rights other than copyright?.May I apply a CC license to my work if it incorporates material used under fair use or another exception or limitation to copyright?.If I take a photograph of another work that is in the public domain, can I apply a CC license to my photo?.May I apply a Creative Commons license to a work in the public domain?.Could I use a CC license to share my logo or trademark?.Can I apply a Creative Commons license to databases?.Can I apply a Creative Commons license to software?.What do the terms and conditions of a CC license apply to?.Do I need to register with Creative Commons before I obtain a license?.How do I apply a Creative Commons license to my material?.Why should I use the license chooser? What if I don’t?.Should I choose an international license or a ported license?.What if CC licenses have not been ported to my jurisdiction?.Why should I use the latest version of the Creative Commons licenses?.How should I decide which license to choose?.What things should I think about before I apply a Creative Commons license?.What are the official translations of the CC licenses and CC0?.Can children apply Creative Commons licenses to work they create?.Can governments and intergovernmental organizations (“IGOs”) use CC licenses?.Can I include a work licensed with CC BY in a Wikipedia article even though they use a CC BY-SA license?.What are the international (“unported”) Creative Commons licenses, and why does CC offer “ported” licenses?.What happens if someone applies a Creative Commons license to my work without my knowledge or authorization?.Are Creative Commons licenses enforceable in a court of law?.Who gives permission to use material offered under Creative Commons licenses?.Do Creative Commons licenses affect exceptions and limitations to copyright, such as fair dealing and fair use?.Which is the latest version of the licenses offered by Creative Commons?.Why does Creative Commons run an annual fundraising campaign? What is the money used for and where does it go?.May I use the Creative Commons logo and buttons?.What do the Creative Commons buttons do?.Does Creative Commons collect or track material licensed under a CC license?.Can Creative Commons give legal advice about its licenses or other tools, or help with CC license enforcement?.

    how many points are on my license co

  • What is Creative Commons and what do you do?.

  • How many points are on my license co